
It doesn’t matter if you’re a good employee..

I need to rant about what happened at my job today.. Basically, I have a medical condition that my job has accomidated very well with just a doctor's note given to my department head. Recently my job has changed the way their system runs and now want those of us with medical issues to go through a company that deals with medical issues and disabilities, which of course I happily complied with as my medical condition really doesn't prevent me from doing my job, just a few slight modifications to keep me safe. Today the company called and told me that starting tomorrow I'm on unpaid administrative leave until they can “find a new position in the company for me, unfortunately no positions are currently available”. I even have an appointment with a specialist in two weeks to get fitted for a brace that will make it where I won't…

I need to rant about what happened at my job today.. Basically, I have a medical condition that my job has accomidated very well with just a doctor's note given to my department head. Recently my job has changed the way their system runs and now want those of us with medical issues to go through a company that deals with medical issues and disabilities, which of course I happily complied with as my medical condition really doesn't prevent me from doing my job, just a few slight modifications to keep me safe. Today the company called and told me that starting tomorrow I'm on unpaid administrative leave until they can “find a new position in the company for me, unfortunately no positions are currently available”. I even have an appointment with a specialist in two weeks to get fitted for a brace that will make it where I won't have restrictions. The insurance company didn't care. I can have my doctor resubmit paper work saying my medical device will prevent me from having restrictions but this will take anywhere from 15 to 20 business days for the company to process before they even get in contact with my job. Basically going to be an unpaid employee for up to 90 days unless they find an available position for me. I've worked for this company for almost two years. I'm one of the top performers in my department and only called in a hand full of times. I feel so betrayed. I'm a good employee and did what they asked. What do I get for it? A good kick in the teeth. I know I more than likely will get my job back but still almost a month without pay for doing what I was told. I feel so devastated. I don't even know the proper word I feel, I guess maybe discriminated against for having a medical issue that my boss knew about when I was hired. I just feel so down.

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