
It has always baffled me why the companies I work for think i give a shit about their profits.

Most companies i've worked for over the years will have a town hall meeting to go over the prior quater/year/whatever. They talk about the millions the company has made and thank us for being a part of that. I don't see a dime of that money since we miss our metrics for bonues almost all the time (rigged system). But even if we did get every bonus it would be 200 a quarter before tax which in our current economy is basically jack shit. They wonder why we don't get excited when they go over the numbers. Maybe it's because we're all living paycheck to paycheck while your turning record profits again.

Most companies i've worked for over the years will have a town hall meeting to go over the prior quater/year/whatever. They talk about the millions the company has made and thank us for being a part of that.

I don't see a dime of that money since we miss our metrics for bonues almost all the time (rigged system). But even if we did get every bonus it would be 200 a quarter before tax which in our current economy is basically jack shit.

They wonder why we don't get excited when they go over the numbers. Maybe it's because we're all living paycheck to paycheck while your turning record profits again.

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