
It impossible to get mega-rich just by working

It's very impossible to earn that money by yourself. I'm able to get 50$/h as a software engineer by working remotely for US company, but that's not really scalable. Yes over time I'll earn more, but it's slow and tedious process and I wouldn't be able to be mega-rich if I lived for 2000 years at that pace. So what is the only way to get mega-rich (except few jobs)? SCALE. Why would I develop software when I can find 2 people and sell their work for 50$/h and actually pay them 15$ including the taxes. Increase the scale and you get more and more rich. I'm actually talking from experience since I used to work for an agency 3 years ago, I was being outsourced for 12k/mo, but I didn't even get third of that pre-tax, then take into consideration that company was sold for $120m. The agency did…

It's very impossible to earn that money by yourself. I'm able to get 50$/h as a software engineer by working remotely for US company, but that's not really scalable. Yes over time I'll earn more, but it's slow and tedious process and I wouldn't be able to be mega-rich if I lived for 2000 years at that pace. So what is the only way to get mega-rich (except few jobs)? SCALE. Why would I develop software when I can find 2 people and sell their work for 50$/h and actually pay them 15$ including the taxes. Increase the scale and you get more and more rich.

I'm actually talking from experience since I used to work for an agency 3 years ago, I was being outsourced for 12k/mo, but I didn't even get third of that pre-tax, then take into consideration that company was sold for $120m. The agency did not have a product that would generate any amount of money, they were just outsourcing knowledge of their employees. That means we were the product that was being sold. Do you know what we got out of that acquisition? Promise of even greater opportunities and bigger clients. That did not sit well with me and after shortly after I quit. So in the end the only real way to get mega-rich is to leech of somebody else's work.

It's funny the more money I start to earn the more left I go. I guess seeing that even though I did everything right, getting my own house requires 30 years of debt (main reason I started working for companies outside of my own country).

I think that the main thing that made me stray more right was that I found American (yes US politics are spilled everywhere) leftist movement really annoying and focusing on too much on identity instead of real issue, CLASS (tinfoil hat, but seems like a lot of that started after Occupy Wallstreet movement)

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