
It is amazing to me that many employers refuse to understand that treating your employees well and with respect is what is best for business especially if you are much older.

Now, before anyone says anything I know that not all older employers are jerks but many are. Nor is this a pro employer post. I am trying just trying to compare someone who I know is a fairly good business owner to a bad one. For context, I have a very dear friend who inherited 2 auto shops from her dad which was great since it was her dream, but the dream wasn't all that great. Her dad by his own admission, was an asshole to work forb/c he has the mindset of Iam going to get and keep mine at all costs which makes some sense considering he was forced to flee South Vietnam but as he got older it got worse. He would not pay overtime, not give rises, micromanage people, drive off younger hires etc. She had to clean up the mess, repay all the backed over…

Now, before anyone says anything I know that not all older employers are jerks but many are. Nor is this a pro employer post. I am trying just trying to compare someone who I know is a fairly good business owner to a bad one. For context, I have a very dear friend who inherited 2 auto shops from her dad which was great since it was her dream, but the dream wasn't all that great.

Her dad by his own admission, was an asshole to work forb/c he has the mindset of Iam going to get and keep mine at all costs which makes some sense considering he was forced to flee South Vietnam but as he got older it got worse. He would not pay overtime, not give rises, micromanage people, drive off younger hires etc.

She had to clean up the mess, repay all the backed over time, give people the right pay raises within a fair pay range depending on factors like years' work, hours worked, workload, what you do, and how good you are at etc as well as make sure she can keep people because high turnover is bad for business. Most of all she tries to make sure that people are respected and that something things are more important than work having lost her family sadly.

Her dad doesn't see if that way, he believes that his way is the best way and youngsters don't know better. For example, she has to explain to him that paying people fairly and treating them well is a good thing because it made the business more money. But her dad can't get it. Her businesses are doing very, very well btw.

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