
It is not a good thing for companies to get involved in women’s healthcare

We already have a huge problem of healthcare being tied to employment in the US. We don't need to further entrench that system. And what, we are supposed to tell our boss we need time off for an abortion instead of having privacy? This whole thing is rotten, and corporations are not the fix. Furthermore, I highly doubt this goes to some average retail worker who can't even get a day off for covid let alone an abortion. Don't be bamboozled by PR.

We already have a huge problem of healthcare being tied to employment in the US. We don't need to further entrench that system. And what, we are supposed to tell our boss we need time off for an abortion instead of having privacy? This whole thing is rotten, and corporations are not the fix. Furthermore, I highly doubt this goes to some average retail worker who can't even get a day off for covid let alone an abortion. Don't be bamboozled by PR.

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