
It just doesn’t work like they say it does

Be me, a millennial. Get 10+ years of work experience. Have a bachelor's degree. Try to find a better job. All the better jobs someone is more qualified for. Be stuck in a $55k position when you need $80k just to survive with your family of 4 so you survive off welfare and charity. Get called lazy by workaholics for using welfare when you can't feed your family otherwise. No wiggle room in the budget, so of course the car transmission dies. I am living the American (capitalist) dream people, just do what you're told and it all works out…. /s

Be me, a millennial. Get 10+ years of work experience. Have a bachelor's degree. Try to find a better job. All the better jobs someone is more qualified for. Be stuck in a $55k position when you need $80k just to survive with your family of 4 so you survive off welfare and charity. Get called lazy by workaholics for using welfare when you can't feed your family otherwise. No wiggle room in the budget, so of course the car transmission dies.

I am living the American (capitalist) dream people, just do what you're told and it all works out…. /s

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