
It seems obvious

It seems just so insanely obvious that pushing more people further into poverty will eventually cut into their bottom line right? Right? I mean, how hard is it to understand that this ‘let’s hoard everything, pay as little as possible to our employees and cut benefits in any way possible’ way of doing things can only end up so many ways; They win. No one has a dime to their names. We work 16/7 just to have a bed and 1200 calories a day. No one can afford any products past those few essentials. The f-ups in charge continue treating the worlds resources like nothing is wrong, climate catastrophe makes planet uninhabitable to humans and 85-90% of all animal life. 2) We revolt. It’s bloody, but the right heads roll. We waste a bunch of time cleaning up from that, climate catastrophe continues, we probably make the world uninhabitable for…

It seems just so insanely obvious that pushing more people further into poverty will eventually cut into their bottom line right? Right?

I mean, how hard is it to understand that this ‘let’s hoard everything, pay as little as possible to our employees and cut benefits in any way possible’ way of doing things can only end up so many ways;

They win. No one has a dime to their names. We work 16/7 just to have a bed and 1200 calories a day. No one can afford any products past those few essentials. The f-ups in charge continue treating the worlds resources like nothing is wrong, climate catastrophe makes planet uninhabitable to humans and 85-90% of all animal life.

2) We revolt. It’s bloody, but the right heads roll. We waste a bunch of time cleaning up from that, climate catastrophe continues, we probably make the world uninhabitable for humans and 85-90% of animal life.

Or somewhere in the middle, which could be worse…

They know it. They can’t not know it. Why continue down this path? Why is it so hard for humans not to be such garbage?

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