
It was a mistake to integrate woman to the workforce

I’m not saying woman shouldn’t work but goddamn we were dumb as a pile of rocks to accept that women enter the workforce without lessening the hours of man. They sold us financial liberty for woman and we went from 1 income families living comfortably to 2 income families barely surviving. When women entered the workforce it should’ve been to split the hours between the two adults of the household, not to work full time as well. On paper it raises the family income, but if every family has a bigger income it’s like no one has a better income because things will automatically become more expensive to adjust to the new incomes. We live on two incomes barely getting by but now neither the fathers nor mothers have any time to spend with children. That’s some capitalist shenanigan.

I’m not saying woman shouldn’t work but goddamn we were dumb as a pile of rocks to accept that women enter the workforce without lessening the hours of man. They sold us financial liberty for woman and we went from 1 income families living comfortably to 2 income families barely surviving.
When women entered the workforce it should’ve been to split the hours between the two adults of the household, not to work full time as well. On paper it raises the family income, but if every family has a bigger income it’s like no one has a better income because things will automatically become more expensive to adjust to the new incomes.
We live on two incomes barely getting by but now neither the fathers nor mothers have any time to spend with children.
That’s some capitalist shenanigan.

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