
It’s completely irresponsible. But I just want to quit.

I have an autistic toddler and 3 month old twins, and because I make minimum wage, have no benefits, have not received a raise in two (out of three) years, I am their primary caregiver. And even with our combined household income we can’t afford childcare. I have to take my son to his early education program which he qualifies for through Medicaid, twice a day 5x a week. He also has physical therapy on Mondays. My boss told me before I got ready to come back full time, that he understood. He said I could take things slow. So I thought that meant, it was expected that mistakes may be made and it could not be the end of the world. I took two weeks off after my c-section. I’m balancing the twins with my son. I explicitly told him that my son has “a slew” of appointments coming…

I have an autistic toddler and 3 month old twins, and because I make minimum wage, have no benefits, have not received a raise in two (out of three) years, I am their primary caregiver. And even with our combined household income we can’t afford childcare.

I have to take my son to his early education program which he qualifies for through Medicaid, twice a day 5x a week. He also has physical therapy on Mondays.

My boss told me before I got ready to come back full time, that he understood. He said I could take things slow. So I thought that meant, it was expected that mistakes may be made and it could not be the end of the world.

I took two weeks off after my c-section. I’m balancing the twins with my son. I explicitly told him that my son has “a slew” of appointments coming up. I received no word of caution that he would be watching me more diligently and I was expected to be performing at my usual pace.

Btw, I wanted my kids. I love my kids. I’m obsessed with them. It makes me so happy to be a mother. I know there are very few people in this world, though, that understand just how much work is involved with juggling three kids. I know my boss doesn’t know. He probably had a nanny take care of his damn kids.

And now, it seems, he’s done a 180 and is reprimanding me for missing an email.

An email that was not even addressed to me. And email that was addressed to our sales rep, who called off. An email from a dope who is not even a client. In two weeks, he won't even remember this guy's first name (whether he decides to go with us or not).

I work from home and our company is never so busy, nothing is ever so urgent, we are not curing cancer here. That I should feel that my job is on the line over not saying “we'll get back to you” to one doofus.

I’m not out here goofing off during the day. I’m not going to get my nails done (no judgment btw, I applaud people who can pull that stuff off). But no, I'm out here being a mother to my kids, which is the most important thing I will ever do with my time here on earth. I wish I didn't feel like I need this job.

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