
It’s going to feel so fucking good when I hand my notice in for this job

Another day of people taking me for an absolute dickhead at this job. I’m fighting through it because I’m in the final 3 candidates for a much better role and interviewing for another one today. I WILL get one of these jobs and when I do, slapping my notice on the desk of my boss and seeing him lose his shit, because I have such an important role which no one else is dumb enough to wanna do in return for the exploitation you have to put up with at this fucking place, will be glorious! Plus everyone else here is leaving because they’re tired of his shit. I’m burning in anger right now but I will get the last laugh and it’s gonna feel soooooo good.

Another day of people taking me for an absolute dickhead at this job.

I’m fighting through it because I’m in the final 3 candidates for a much better role and interviewing for another one today. I WILL get one of these jobs and when I do, slapping my notice on the desk of my boss and seeing him lose his shit, because I have such an important role which no one else is dumb enough to wanna do in return for the exploitation you have to put up with at this fucking place, will be glorious!

Plus everyone else here is leaving because they’re tired of his shit. I’m burning in anger right now but I will get the last laugh and it’s gonna feel soooooo good.

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