
It’s hard to be anti work in practice (as opposed to in theory) when working a job that keeps someone from becoming homeless

I've worked a lot of different jobs, spent a year working as a disability case manager. This was NOT a non-profit. We have an insane work load that kept increasing, management that was not helpful, essentially no support, high stress, etc etc etc. While I had a very “this is not my problem, my shift is over” MINDSET, it was nearly impossible for me to end my work day when it was supposed to or not do extra work that really wasn't my job. But if I didn't do it then it could potentially mean a person not getting their disability pay cheque on time, not getting their medical treatments reimbursed fast enough, etc. The issue was not that I was slow, or couldn't multi task we were just given so much fucking work. And as much as I wanted to do the bare minimum the guilt was incredibly overwhelming…

I've worked a lot of different jobs, spent a year working as a disability case manager. This was NOT a non-profit. We have an insane work load that kept increasing, management that was not helpful, essentially no support, high stress, etc etc etc.

While I had a very “this is not my problem, my shift is over” MINDSET, it was nearly impossible for me to end my work day when it was supposed to or not do extra work that really wasn't my job. But if I didn't do it then it could potentially mean a person not getting their disability pay cheque on time, not getting their medical treatments reimbursed fast enough, etc. The issue was not that I was slow, or couldn't multi task we were just given so much fucking work. And as much as I wanted to do the bare minimum the guilt was incredibly overwhelming because the person on the other end of the phone was someone who I could have been. I have more in common with them than my manager or employee or fucking CEO.

I remember someone desperately needed advanced funding to go get broken dentures replaced (they didn't have the money to pay up front understandably) and instead of approving it management drags their feet and I feel like I have to fucking jump and run around panicking because I am the one on the phone with this person and hearing them tell me how THEY CAN'T FUCKING EAT ANYTHING. And instead of saying YEAH WE CAN COVER THAT I hear WELL WHAT ABOUT THIS? OR THAT? OR THIS REPORT? OR THAT REPORT? like FUCK these big corporations for fucking putting so much pressure and guilt on their customer facing staff. I seriously had to do shit that was not my fucking job to get this guy his dentures and I honestly don't even know if he got them because I quit shortly after that. My stress was so high I couldn't handle it. I was so burnt out. The paper work from his medical was there, how the FUCK do you not approve someone OF THEIR DENTURES. I am pretty fucking sure IT A NECESSITY. I'm getting so angry just typing this again.

Not to mention the emotional toll put on us of talking to people with life altering injuries for hours a day. I understand, it's part of the job, I need to listen to understand their injuries and actually help them….. but then maybe the benefits should cover MORE then 3 fucking counselling sessions A YEAR.


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