
Its incredible how many people are fooled into thinking that the rich work like really hard

A few days ago I made a thread about how rich people are pretty lazy and let the work be done by people they pay because they allready had money. Some people than tried to prove that its not true because according to “studies” most rich people are self made. Sorry but these “studies” reek like propaganda financed by the rich to fool people. According to most studies – the major ones can be found here: Most rich people are self made. I am highly sceptical of these claims because: “Another survey, conducted in 2017 by Fidelity Investments, found that 88% of millionaires reported being self-made.” What weight does a study have that just asks the people – they say “yeah Im totally self made” and just takes these statements as fact without any check? The 300 000 or 500 000 Dollars my parents “loaned” me arent even worth…

A few days ago I made a thread about how rich people are pretty lazy and let the work be done by people they pay because they allready had money. Some people than tried to prove that its not true because according to “studies” most rich people are self made.

Sorry but these “studies” reek like propaganda financed by the rich to fool people.

According to most studies – the major ones can be found here:

Most rich people are self made. I am highly sceptical of these claims because:

“Another survey, conducted in 2017 by Fidelity Investments, found that 88% of millionaires reported being self-made.”

What weight does a study have that just asks the people – they say “yeah Im totally self made” and just takes these statements as fact without any check? The 300 000 or 500 000 Dollars my parents “loaned” me arent even worth mentioning – right?


According to a study published in 2019 by Wealthx, here's the breakdown of millionaires with at least $30m in net worth:

  • 67.7% are self-made
  • 23.7% made their money from a combination of their own efforts and inheritance
  • 8.5% inherited their wealth entirely

So everyone who didnt inherit money is self made? Because its absolutely impossible that people got money from their parents before these died right?

It all smells like propaganda to me

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