
It’s mental health awareness and s*icide prevention month here where I live

My dad works at FedEx here in Brazil, and they recently gave him a meal ticket worth ONE meal, and in that ticket, there is the “yellow September” print and it got me thinking; what are they doing to take care of their employees' mental health? Mass demission, leaving thousands jobless without having any means to feed their families without resorting to informality? Cutting meal ticket cards that helped their poorer workers buy their meals and groceries? Cutting the bus cards from workers that live in other cities, making them spend more on two or 3 extra bus rides to get to work, and making them wake up at 4 am to get a 4-hour long bus ride? Exploring their workers for ridiculously low salaries and not giving them a raise for almost 10 years? R$2,300 (USD$446,47) a month today isn't worth as much as in 2012, it's not enough…

My dad works at FedEx here in Brazil, and they recently gave him a meal ticket worth ONE meal, and in that ticket, there is the “yellow September” print and it got me thinking; what are they doing to take care of their employees' mental health? Mass demission, leaving thousands jobless without having any means to feed their families without resorting to informality? Cutting meal ticket cards that helped their poorer workers buy their meals and groceries? Cutting the bus cards from workers that live in other cities, making them spend more on two or 3 extra bus rides to get to work, and making them wake up at 4 am to get a 4-hour long bus ride? Exploring their workers for ridiculously low salaries and not giving them a raise for almost 10 years? R$2,300 (USD$446,47) a month today isn't worth as much as in 2012, it's not enough to keep a family of three yk, but it's ok because they give you a small basic needs grocery package that is enough to feed two people every month, it even comes with canned sausage!

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