
It’s Not About the CEO

I know we like to talk about CEO pay and the growing earnings gap, and that is indeed disgusting. But let's remember that when it comes to big companies, especially that have been around long enough for their founders to die, the executive team is just well-payed management. The people we should really be mad at are the shareholders, who've hidden their involvement through layers of financial obfuscation and public relations. In most companies the C-suite is full of shitbirds, no doubt. But even they are employees. They work a lot too. And while they get a lot of benefits, if they don't serve the stockholders, they're bounced out on their butts. Remember this. The true enemy is the stockholder, who's often held the stock for several generations, and they spend their days playing polo and emotionally abusing their domestic staff. These people are hiding behind trusts, money managers and…

I know we like to talk about CEO pay and the growing earnings gap, and that is indeed disgusting. But let's remember that when it comes to big companies, especially that have been around long enough for their founders to die, the executive team is just well-payed management. The people we should really be mad at are the shareholders, who've hidden their involvement through layers of financial obfuscation and public relations.

In most companies the C-suite is full of shitbirds, no doubt. But even they are employees. They work a lot too. And while they get a lot of benefits, if they don't serve the stockholders, they're bounced out on their butts. Remember this. The true enemy is the stockholder, who's often held the stock for several generations, and they spend their days playing polo and emotionally abusing their domestic staff. These people are hiding behind trusts, money managers and investment firms, and laughing about how we plebs blame the CEO.

KRS-ONE said it best. “Obama is the manager of McDonald's.” (Video below). He's talking about presidents, but it applies to CEOs too. We can't even see the people who are really pulling the levers.

KRS-ONE breaks it down (3 mins)

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