I have worked an above average number of jobs for my age. Ranging from hospitality to laboratories, labouring and 3D animating to government roles and even a private detective agency. So I’ve got a broad view of different work environments throughout 4 different countries.
And the sycophants are always there. Over time I’ve almost come to despise them more than the management.
Working overtime for free is not impressive.
Taking on extra work outside of your job description is not impressive.
Minimising bullying behaviour because “it doesn’t bother me” or “it’s not that bad” or “that’s just how X is” is not impressive.
Coming to work sick is not indicative of being a hard worker (no shade intended to those forced to work sick). Please don’t spread your germs on me and encourage management to think they can expect people to come in sick.
Whinging daily about your ill treatment then, when someone finally says something, maybe even on your behalf (never again), then bottling out and leaving them on the chopping block is…weasely.
Just because these people are often not outwardly bullying others it doesn’t mean they aren’t just as responsible for fostering a toxic environment. They’re the Great Enablers.
I understand that some don’t realise they do this, but after years of trying to be understanding of that, I just don’t have any tolerance for it anymore.
And saying you “don’t like conflict” just makes me cringe now. It doesn’t have to be conflict, you can have a reasonable and respectful conversation without the conflict. And if you can’t do that, at least stand with the person who has your back.
Just wanted to complain, thanks.