
It’s not my fault that you can’t keep the place staffed.

I work part time delivering pizza (pretty much just a nice little vacation fund) me and one other person who splits as a manager are literally the only drivers. Well there was a last minute meeting scheduled at my full time job which is occurring during a shift at the pizza place so naturally I tell the manager about it and he tells me that the shift is already scheduled and the other driver is scheduled as a manager that day. So there is literally nobody to ask so now I’m getting guilt tripped into coming in (I’m not going too) it’s just frustrating that I have to be « the bad guy » because I literally have no one to switch with.

I work part time delivering pizza (pretty much just a nice little vacation fund) me and one other person who splits as a manager are literally the only drivers. Well there was a last minute meeting scheduled at my full time job which is occurring during a shift at the pizza place so naturally I tell the manager about it and he tells me that the shift is already scheduled and the other driver is scheduled as a manager that day. So there is literally nobody to ask so now I’m getting guilt tripped into coming in (I’m not going too) it’s just frustrating that I have to be « the bad guy » because I literally have no one to switch with.

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