
It’s okay you’re depressed. You’re a zoo animal.

I want to make it clear right now, I hate that you are suffering. It is not normal to have this level of anxiety and depression blanket our lives. We are creatures trapped in an unnatural system. Zoochosis – a form of psychosis that develops in animals held captive in zoos. In zoo animals this behavior is exhibited by monotonous, obsessive, repetitive actions. Birds pulling out their feathers. Bears swaying back and forth. Nonstop pacing. Animals in captivity have these behaviors because they are placed in systems that do not serve their needs by humans. We manifest many negative behaviors living in this system of our own design. Rather than see what the zoo does to us, the blame is on us. We say it is wrong disobedience to what does not serve our needs, born into captivity. Would not the despair that plagues us be lifted if we were…

I want to make it clear right now, I hate that you are suffering. It is not normal to have this level of anxiety and depression blanket our lives.

We are creatures trapped in an unnatural system.

Zoochosis – a form of psychosis that develops in animals held captive in zoos.

In zoo animals this behavior is exhibited by monotonous, obsessive, repetitive actions. Birds pulling out their feathers. Bears swaying back and forth. Nonstop pacing.

Animals in captivity have these behaviors because they are placed in systems that do not serve their needs by humans.

We manifest many negative behaviors living in this system of our own design. Rather than see what the zoo does to us, the blame is on us. We say it is wrong disobedience to what does not serve our needs, born into captivity.

Would not the despair that plagues us be lifted if we were free from our zoo? If we were animals in a zoo… what is our first step to escape.

If you have no clue, do not fret.

We will work together. Begin to imagine what life should be like outside of this zoo.

The mistrust and isolation is part of the zoo. The animals who weather it better have strong social bonds, where mutually they work together to make sure their needs are met.

When we can meet our own needs, our keepers lose hold over us.

To shake off the shackles, we have to see them.

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