
it’s sunday night, I’ve been trying to sleep for the last 4 hours, anxious about my job

I feel like the anxiety attacks are getting more frequent, and I'm losing the ability to “turn off” work mode more and more. I work from home, which is better than a dingy cubicle but I have a tiny studio apartment and working 10 hours straight 5-6 days a week in a small room isn't for me. My boss constantly berates me, belittles me, talks down to me. I make great money for my age, but I'm constantly so stressed it's not worth it. I'm constantly paranoid about work. Constantly feeling dread about not working on whatever project or deliverable they have lined up for me. I'm hearing notification pings in my sleep, though sometimes they are real, most of the time it's not. I can't wake up at 4am with a sinking feeling in my chest that my boss has emailed me again. I have 4 months rent saved…

I feel like the anxiety attacks are getting more frequent, and I'm losing the ability to “turn off” work mode more and more. I work from home, which is better than a dingy cubicle but I have a tiny studio apartment and working 10 hours straight 5-6 days a week in a small room isn't for me. My boss constantly berates me, belittles me, talks down to me. I make great money for my age, but I'm constantly so stressed it's not worth it. I'm constantly paranoid about work. Constantly feeling dread about not working on whatever project or deliverable they have lined up for me. I'm hearing notification pings in my sleep, though sometimes they are real, most of the time it's not. I can't wake up at 4am with a sinking feeling in my chest that my boss has emailed me again.

I have 4 months rent saved up, plus a few hundred dollars more. It feels wrong to quit. Like I couldn't suck it up, or man up and handle my business. I mean I work from home for god's sake, my Dad is a roofer and he's never quit a job, what does that make me?

But I can't do it anymore. I can't stand to read another Office Space esque email at 5pm on a Tuesday forcing me to work until 9-10pm, only to do it again the next week, or the next time they need my labor. Our team was once 4, 5 people even. Now it's just me doing almost everything, sink or swim my boss says. I guess I'm finally sunk. I'm putting my two week notice in tomorrow, or at least I hope I can convince myself it's the right thing to do.

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