
It’s the last day

I've been at this dream-crushing, soul-sucking job for eight years, working myself into the ground and destroying my mental health over the stress of it, and today is finally my last day. The company offered voluntary severance and it'll be enough to cover me for two months while I look for another job (and my wife is still working). I'm kind of terrified, because this was my first job out of college, but I'm also so relieved. It sucks because I like my job and I like the people I work with but the C-suite's just running everything and everyone into the ground. So many people I know (and even more that I don't) took the severance because we just can't anymore. The idea of this being last shift – my last half hour, even – is so surreal. And I'm going to miss it. But seriously fuck this company.…

I've been at this dream-crushing, soul-sucking job for eight years, working myself into the ground and destroying my mental health over the stress of it, and today is finally my last day. The company offered voluntary severance and it'll be enough to cover me for two months while I look for another job (and my wife is still working). I'm kind of terrified, because this was my first job out of college, but I'm also so relieved. It sucks because I like my job and I like the people I work with but the C-suite's just running everything and everyone into the ground. So many people I know (and even more that I don't) took the severance because we just can't anymore.

The idea of this being last shift – my last half hour, even – is so surreal. And I'm going to miss it. But seriously fuck this company. I am so very done with it all.

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