
…itty bitty rant FWIW

I know the trades are not for everyone, heck not even for most… but the amount of shit I see most of y'all put up with… Jayzuzz Wept, I would be throwing motherfuckin hands if these sumbitchin' “managers” talked to me the way they talk to y'all… IDGAF, send me to jail, arrest me motherfucker, I need a gawddamn vacation… don't threaten me with a good time, I'll get my ass whooped, I-don't-care You guys are gawddamn saints for the amount of shit you put up with… I know I have the luxury of going somewhere else, anytime I want- but still… I will break your gawddamn fingers MAN-or-WOMAN if a motherfuckin bitch get sideways with me 'bout “coming in when your wife is in the emergency room…” or, what was the post I just read…? Homegirl pulled over to help, like a good samaritan, and the “boss” had the…

I know the trades are not for everyone, heck not even for most… but the amount of shit I see most of y'all put up with…

Jayzuzz Wept, I would be throwing motherfuckin hands if these sumbitchin' “managers” talked to me the way they talk to y'all…

IDGAF, send me to jail, arrest me motherfucker, I need a gawddamn vacation… don't threaten me with a good time, I'll get my ass whooped, I-don't-care

You guys are gawddamn saints for the amount of shit you put up with…

I know I have the luxury of going somewhere else, anytime I want- but still… I will break your gawddamn fingers MAN-or-WOMAN if a motherfuckin bitch get sideways with me 'bout “coming in when your wife is in the emergency room…” or, what was the post I just read…? Homegirl pulled over to help, like a good samaritan, and the “boss” had the audacity to say “where the fuck you been…”

…nah, nah fuck no… I'll do 90 days over some shit like that, it'll be the easiest time I ever did, catch up on some of my reading, play chess, have gay sex all the time… shiiiit don't threaten me with a good time

We… in the trades, just don't see that kind of fuckery without it getting called out…

I've gone to customers (I'm an Industrial Electrician) and point-blank told them they were tyrants and I can't believe that you can even get folks in the door to work here… IDGAF, life's too gawddamn short…

Thank you for coming to my TedTalk

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