
I’ve already run out of PTO for this year because my job denied me WFH when I got Covid, and denied me accommodations for my disabilities.

I got Covid back in January or so, and I was always wearing masks, washing my hands, using hand sanitizer when needed, staying home, etc. Well, I ended getting Covid from my partner–who worked from home and had barely left the house in 2 years because he's immunocompromised–after he went to the doctor for his regular checkups. Now, my job is mostly hands on, but there is plenty of work that can be done on the computer; however, I was denied access to work from home and forced to use my PTO because “the company is already generous enough and you should have enough.” Then later this year, I needed accommodations because I was/am receiving treatment for my disability, but it got denied and since then, I've been forced to use my PTO to cover for time lost during my treatment. Surely enough, I just realized I have like a…

I got Covid back in January or so, and I was always wearing masks, washing my hands, using hand sanitizer when needed, staying home, etc.

Well, I ended getting Covid from my partner–who worked from home and had barely left the house in 2 years because he's immunocompromised–after he went to the doctor for his regular checkups.

Now, my job is mostly hands on, but there is plenty of work that can be done on the computer; however, I was denied access to work from home and forced to use my PTO because “the company is already generous enough and you should have enough.”

Then later this year, I needed accommodations because I was/am receiving treatment for my disability, but it got denied and since then, I've been forced to use my PTO to cover for time lost during my treatment.

Surely enough, I just realized I have like a day or so left of PTO…which is probably going to get used up mainly to cover for Dr's appointments…

Anyone else experience something similar?

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