
I’ve called in sick to work for the first time in 6 months and got a telling off.

I work in a warehouse cutting metal. It’s a CAD waterjet machine. We’re understaffed and I’m the only one trained on my machine. In fact, there’s normally only 2 of us for 4 machines, and a total of another 3 duties like goods in, out etc. Me and my wife are first time parents to a 6 month old. My wife had an injury last night and (we think) she’s broken at least one of her fingers in her right hand. Plan to visit the hospital but all they will do is wrap it in a splint like we already have. Her mother and sister are both away today and for the weekend, so I needed the day off to care for our son. She obviously can’t pick him up, feed or change him. Can’t afford a baby sitter. Hopefully it turns out to be a painful sprain or maybe…

I work in a warehouse cutting metal. It’s a CAD waterjet machine. We’re understaffed and I’m the only one trained on my machine. In fact, there’s normally only 2 of us for 4 machines, and a total of another 3 duties like goods in, out etc.

Me and my wife are first time parents to a 6 month old. My wife had an injury last night and (we think) she’s broken at least one of her fingers in her right hand. Plan to visit the hospital but all they will do is wrap it in a splint like we already have.

Her mother and sister are both away today and for the weekend, so I needed the day off to care for our son. She obviously can’t pick him up, feed or change him. Can’t afford a baby sitter.

Hopefully it turns out to be a painful sprain or maybe just a chipped bone instead, but if it’s worse over the weekend it’ll be the hospital. And at least we’ll have family members to help next week while I’m at work but tbh.. fuck em? Family comes first.

I got no sympathy from my boss when I rang in, but a telling off and a disciplinary meeting on Monday. I haven’t had a pay rise for 2 years and inflation of 10% is killing us off anyway. Struggling to see why I’m still working here tbh.

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