
Saying No to Extra Hours

I(22F) work 2 jobs and am a full-time college student. A problem I’ve always had is saying “no” to when either job asks me to cover more shifts or extra hours. I’ve tried using the excuse that I couldn’t answer the phone because I was in classes or at my other job(because that’s usually the case)- but it doesn’t work. They do the classic guilt trip of how I will be leaving another coworker all by themselves that makes me feel I need to say yes. Its starting to affect my physical health in addition to mental health. When and how did you all go about saying “no” to your employers and finding a good balance? Any advice you can give? Thank you in advance.

I(22F) work 2 jobs and am a full-time college student. A problem I’ve always had is saying “no” to when either job asks me to cover more shifts or extra hours. I’ve tried using the excuse that I couldn’t answer the phone because I was in classes or at my other job(because that’s usually the case)- but it doesn’t work. They do the classic guilt trip of how I will be leaving another coworker all by themselves that makes me feel I need to say yes.

Its starting to affect my physical health in addition to mental health. When and how did you all go about saying “no” to your employers and finding a good balance? Any advice you can give?

Thank you in advance.

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