
I’ve decided it’s time to leave

So if anyone remembered my post here not too long ago about my manager at an ice cream shop being a little crazy and not making me a cake for my birthday, completely ignoring me about it, and I believe she just doesn’t like me. Well anyways, the other day she gave me a write up and gave to the supervisor to tell me because she never talks to the employees, she has the supervisor do everything. And in the write up she stated 2 things. 1 that I am late often to clocking in, even though the times that I was late was when SHE was late to open the door for me in the mornings and I had to wait for her, but she blamed me. And 2… this is where I decided fuck this place. She wrote, and I quote almost exactly as what I read on…

So if anyone remembered my post here not too long ago about my manager at an ice cream shop being a little crazy and not making me a cake for my birthday, completely ignoring me about it, and I believe she just doesn’t like me.

Well anyways, the other day she gave me a write up and gave to the supervisor to tell me because she never talks to the employees, she has the supervisor do everything.
And in the write up she stated 2 things.
1 that I am late often to clocking in, even though the times that I was late was when SHE was late to open the door for me in the mornings and I had to wait for her, but she blamed me.

And 2… this is where I decided fuck this place. She wrote, and I quote almost exactly as what I read on that paper, “[me] wearing his Apple Watch in the past before and occasionally checking it, (by the way I wear my watch just to monitor my heart rate since sometimes I pass out) is ruining the company and hurting profits.”

She is blaming her ruining profits and store are because I wore my Apple Watch before, she has since banned me wearing my watch.

Should I just leave on the spot? I already have another place possibly lined up and saved cash. She is honestly just a horrible manager and person.
PS, she also talks how she’s losing money from the register constantly, but has no idea why, however is always watching me and what I’m doing.

TL:DR manager wrote me up because she said me wearing my Apple Watch is hurting her profits

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