
I’ve fallen through the cracks so hard I’m miles under the pavement. (A rant)

I've recently been diagnosed with ADD/ASD and have never been able to keep a job longer that 6 months on average. Being fired from more than 13+ jobs has absolutely destroyed my mental health. I'm doing better, but I'm still depressed about it. (Fyi: losing the job has nothing to do with work ethic or IQ, it has everything to do with miscommunication, lack of focus, and burnout) Many employers have fired me for “not fitting in with corporate culture, “it's just not a good fit for the team” which roughly translates to, “your autistim disallowes you to seamlessly blend in, your mannerisms make you look weak, gullible, and weird, and your need for even the slightest accommodation is something we're not willing to do, so you're fired” My wife is pretty fed up with it too, so no income on my side caused her to get a second job;…

I've recently been diagnosed with ADD/ASD and have never been able to keep a job longer that 6 months on average.

Being fired from more than 13+ jobs has absolutely destroyed my mental health. I'm doing better, but I'm still depressed about it.

(Fyi: losing the job has nothing to do with work ethic or IQ, it has everything to do with miscommunication, lack of focus, and burnout)

Many employers have fired me for “not fitting in with corporate culture, “it's just not a good fit for the team” which roughly translates to, “your autistim disallowes you to seamlessly blend in, your mannerisms make you look weak, gullible, and weird, and your need for even the slightest accommodation is something we're not willing to do, so you're fired”

My wife is pretty fed up with it too, so no income on my side caused her to get a second job; so the whole situation is not condusive for a successful marriage, so that's makes me feel even greater. /s

So to learn how to keep a job, before the end of my last job, I got into therapy for my ADD/ASD and to get some vacational support.

It's been slow going, but not far into therapy, of course, I lose my job, and a few weeks later, my health insurance.

So no therapy – therapy I need to learn how to keep a job, but can't go to because I have no insurance, because I lost it when I lost my job. So when I get a new job (eventually), I'll be no better off, and immediately out of the gate I'll be a bad performer and lose my job.

In the amount of time I'll have a job, I'll only get a few months of therapy in, which who knows if that'll be enough.

I also had free Ambetter Arkansas healthcare, which I get kicked off when I get a job. But then I got back on it, and today I found out I got kicked off Ambetter “For an unknown reason” according to an Ambetter help desk associate.

A case worker is “looking at my file and will get back to me within an undisclosed time window”. It's the government, they may not call for weeks or months and if you miss the random phone call- get fucked.

I had a good interview recently, but my confidence in keeping the job is almost 0.

Had bad grades in school and no one thought to help me- pull me aside and asses why the grades were bad, and now I'm in the real world and can't provide for myself.

Arkansas disability pays poverty moneys (below poverty moneys, actually, because the elders in power still think that the 1970's dollar holds the same value, apparently)
And it's extremely hard to get on.

I think unemployment pays more, which is what I'm on.

It's a tiresome fight and there's no REAL help. There's programs touted as “there to help”, but you won't get it, or it'll be inadequate, or get it long enough to make a difference.

This is why people with disabilities end up homeless.

If I didn't have my wife I'd be homeless long ago.

True capitalism, with weak or non-existent social safety nets, not only suppresses wages, but it puts all the weakest members of society, and those who fall through the cracks, in poverty and/or out on the street.

We live in poverty and/or homelessness while the rich and powerful are taxed at 0%, but all that would-be tax dollars could go into robust social safety nets, so people who need societys help the most, don't have to live in abject poverty, in the land of overabundance.

I'm also sure it's a choice for states not to invest in social safety nets; In the South we have a backwards bootstrap mentality, so the disabled are forced to work or live in poverty, and the rest of that money goes to socialism for the rich and our already overpowered military!

End rant.

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