
I’ve gotten a lot more work for no extra pay

I work in the spare part sales department and our Office Manager recently quit unexpectedly. I've taken over about half of her job duties and only got a $2 raise. The raise isn't for my extra workload though, as my colleagues also got a raise even though they had no extra job duties. How can I ask for another raise? Getting a $2 raise isn't a lot but I was happy and felt appreciated that my extra work paid off. That was until I realized everyone got a raise regardless of whether they had to take on more duties. I'm clearly being taken advantage of, how can I ask for another raise after just getting one?

I work in the spare part sales department and our Office Manager recently quit unexpectedly. I've taken over about half of her job duties and only got a $2 raise. The raise isn't for my extra workload though, as my colleagues also got a raise even though they had no extra job duties. How can I ask for another raise? Getting a $2 raise isn't a lot but I was happy and felt appreciated that my extra work paid off. That was until I realized everyone got a raise regardless of whether they had to take on more duties. I'm clearly being taken advantage of, how can I ask for another raise after just getting one?

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