
I’ve heard of many people dying for both noble or selfish causes throughout history. Yet, I have seen very few people who were willing to die for capitalism.

I read through an article, last night. It listed all of the causes and beliefs that people have died for through history. It rallied off a long list of things. Though, I noticed one type of belief did not make list in particular — capitalism. I maybe very wrong in my assumptions. I could be incredibly shortsighted on this matter, but I couldn’t think of one instance where someone said, claimed, or wrote they’d be willing to die for a championed economic belief. While, I’ve seen many more people die from the effects of capitalism, especially uncontrollable capitalism. Even, some of the people who have vigorously defended the preeminence of capitalism have even themselves been victims of capitalism or died as result of capitalism.

I read through an article, last night. It listed all of the causes and beliefs that people have died for through history. It rallied off a long list of things. Though, I noticed one type of belief did not make list in particular — capitalism.

I maybe very wrong in my assumptions. I could be incredibly shortsighted on this matter, but I couldn’t think of one instance where someone said, claimed, or wrote they’d be willing to die for a championed economic belief. While, I’ve seen many more people die from the effects of capitalism, especially uncontrollable capitalism.

Even, some of the people who have vigorously defended the preeminence of capitalism have even themselves been victims of capitalism or died as result of capitalism.

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