
I’ve never held down a stable job at 34 years old and I couldn’t be happier

This is my first time posting here and I just want to share how my non-commitment to societal expectation of a 8 to 5 job(s) has earned me more freedom and perspective. I had a photography business and was into customising shoes right after college. I was earning enough for me to travel and buy the things I need, it was the happiest I’ve been as far as I could remember work-wise since it focused on my love for creativity and freedom. Fast forward 10 years and I graduated law school and am expected to become a lawyer which I abhor. I thanks to those 10 years I now suffer from PTSD, anxiety, and depression. To those wondering how I ended up in law school and stayed there, just think “typical Asian parents and Asian culture” and you’ll understand what I mean. I took time off since the pandemic started…

This is my first time posting here and I just want to share how my non-commitment to societal expectation of a 8 to 5 job(s) has earned me more freedom and perspective.

I had a photography business and was into customising shoes right after college. I was earning enough for me to travel and buy the things I need, it was the happiest I’ve been as far as I could remember work-wise since it focused on my love for creativity and freedom.

Fast forward 10 years and I graduated law school and am expected to become a lawyer which I abhor. I thanks to those 10 years I now suffer from PTSD, anxiety, and depression. To those wondering how I ended up in law school and stayed there, just think “typical Asian parents and Asian culture” and you’ll understand what I mean.

I took time off since the pandemic started to reevaluate what I really wanted in life by being with my own thoughts and just working part time enough for me to live. I’ve talked to a friends and love ones in the legal profession and I have never heard more miserable people in my life. The pay is extremely good but 99% of them have vices and unhealthy coping mechanisms. I do not want to go into that environment.

I want to acknowledge that I am privileged enough to get this much time to assess what in life because most of us are just part of the rat race and it’s slowly killing us. Fortunately, I have broken out of the corporate system mentality and my mental health has never been better. This subreddit was one of the reason why I reassessed what I wanted in life and more people should be part of this movement, or at least step back from societal norms and address the real problem.

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