
I’ve waited over a month for training, only to be given less than 24 hours notice.

I've worked for this company before at a different location. The onboarding process there went very smoothly, and the job was a good fit. Onboarding with this location has been uniquely frustrating. Tax info was filled out 09/26. It wasn't 'til 10/26 that the training instructor texted me, asking if I was still available and if I could train this week. I said yes. Yesterday at 2:11PM, I received the email with training details, set for 8:30AM today. I explained that I didn't receive adequate time to cancel an overlapping appointment, and that this was an unprecedented disrespect for my time and livelihood. The response was basically “well you confirmed your availability, and we emailed you the day before.” Evidently, I'm alone in understanding what 24 hours is, and that 24 hours notice is a basic, standard courtesy. My B for having a life, and not dedicating 100% of my…

I've worked for this company before at a different location. The onboarding process there went very smoothly, and the job was a good fit. Onboarding with this location has been uniquely frustrating.

Tax info was filled out 09/26. It wasn't 'til 10/26 that the training instructor texted me, asking if I was still available and if I could train this week. I said yes. Yesterday at 2:11PM, I received the email with training details, set for 8:30AM today.

I explained that I didn't receive adequate time to cancel an overlapping appointment, and that this was an unprecedented disrespect for my time and livelihood. The response was basically “well you confirmed your availability, and we emailed you the day before.”

Evidently, I'm alone in understanding what 24 hours is, and that 24 hours notice is a basic, standard courtesy. My B for having a life, and not dedicating 100% of my time to sitting on my hands waiting for them to have time for me. I should've cleared my whole entire week for an unscheduled class, obviously.

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