
I’ve worked 12 days in a row all 9+ hours

Last day off was Wednesday the 18th, I’m an ASM at a huge convenience store chain, a day before my scheduled 2 days off, on the 23rd my boss, the store managers, father in law pass away and she immediately left to go to Tennessee, -we are in flordia- with her daughter in law who is another ASM, there is also another ASM, who was promoted to that a couple months ago, however she can’t “open” the store, I say it like that because we’re 24 hours, I mean ending the day and doing the morning paperwork and inventory reconciliation, therefore leaving me the only one capable of doing it, I’ve had to wake up at 4:30am, get there at 5, and not leave until 2, 3, or 4 o clock in the afternoon, today my Market Manager comes in and audits the store and I make a crisp 94%…

Last day off was Wednesday the 18th, I’m an ASM at a huge convenience store chain, a day before my scheduled 2 days off, on the 23rd my boss, the store managers, father in law pass away and she immediately left to go to Tennessee, -we are in flordia- with her daughter in law who is another ASM, there is also another ASM, who was promoted to that a couple months ago, however she can’t “open” the store, I say it like that because we’re 24 hours, I mean ending the day and doing the morning paperwork and inventory reconciliation, therefore leaving me the only one capable of doing it, I’ve had to wake up at 4:30am, get there at 5, and not leave until 2, 3, or 4 o clock in the afternoon, today my Market Manager comes in and audits the store and I make a crisp 94% and she congratulated me on how well everything looks and how things were ran -this is not the first time I’ve had to do this, I’ve done it once before under a different MM but same SM- after the audit I let her know that the other ASM at my store make as much as me, I should include im the lead ASM with 8+ more months expiremece the then both of them, and also let her know that I know other ASM with less expirence make more than me, I make 14.50, I told her I wanted more upwards of 16 an hour, and she said all she could do was a .50 cent raise at most as her boss would deny anything higher immediately, I did not hide the disappointment on my face as I told her okay, my boss and the other newer store managers I’ve trained all make 23+ an hour, I’ve texted the MM and asked if we could talk next time he comes by the store as he lives very close and plan on asking him directly why my pay shouldn’t be 16, wish me luck sorry for the long text 🙂

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