
Japanese anti-work , thank you anti-work sub for everything !

Before all, my English is not perfect because I live in Japan. I'm sorry if this is considered self-promotion! so, my name is Ishii jayson and I worked as a caregiver for 3 years, because of corona I get overtime work of about 10+ hours per week during more than a year, and on some holidays I was forced to work because I didn't want to get fired. I really like to take care about old people but that's really a low-level job so I never get enough money to do any project on my own and I hated to be considered a failure by anyone that makes more money than me so I started to follow the antiwork sub on reddit , at first I was don't have any confidence but more I was read this sub , more I was able to understand the power harassment from my…

Before all, my English is not perfect because I live in Japan.

I'm sorry if this is considered self-promotion!

so, my name is Ishii jayson and I worked as a caregiver for 3 years, because of corona I get overtime work of about 10+ hours per week during more than a year, and on some holidays I was forced to work because I didn't want to get fired.

I really like to take care about old people but that's really a low-level job so I never get enough money to do any project on my own and I hated to be considered a failure by anyone that makes more money than me so I started to follow the antiwork sub on reddit , at first I was don't have any confidence but more I was read this sub , more I was able to understand the power harassment from my boss etc , thank you everyone for all of this.

The number one reason I am grateful to this reddit community is that you guys give me the confidence to make my own life goal and my own project, I really like the antiwork movement and hope it will continue to make people have more self-reflection about power harassment and bad behavior from workplace.

I just want my tell my antiwork story and how I did to get out of depression :

I am the creator of TOTOMO, a social media based on the interest for find people with the same interest as you.

I make an antiwork community and I will be so happy to can see people post on it!

TOTOMO look like a mix of Reddit / hellotalk app because I take inspiration from here, you can see the countries of other user and also filter the user search list by country, city, old, age, etc…

This app is mainly for learning languages but you can also see other users' posts in any categories like funny, animal, gaming, and hacking post, all can be filtered by users to find the post that will make you laugh and smile!

You can also post anything freely in any category and send an unlimited number of messages to anyone!

Why did I start the app?

I drop out of high school because I was don't have good sociability with other people, I will spend days on my PC and phone with internet strangers and talk about anything to pass the time

and feel that I have someone important to me, I was really happy to can find so much nice people that I will spend days playing cs go, lol, team fortress, etc during my afternoon.

I also worked at the same time as a caregiver in a hospital and continue it as double work, because of corona this 3 years my overtime work increased to 10 hours a week and I wanted to change my mind

about all of this stress from work and my loneliness, It was tough to decide to make something even though I already worked 60 hours a week but I wanted to use my overtime work money for something other than just saving.

I liked to program from my 5 years old and I loved to learn a new language I speak 5 languages now and I teach kids English, French, and Spanish in the day service of the hospital every week.

firstly I wanted to make a game but I always wanted to make something to make it easy to meet new people and be friendly, I know how loneliness makes anyone depressed and how it is to be in this situation for years.

Was it hard to do?

yeah, that take me 2 years to learn a new program language for android/ios and I think It will be easier but no, not at all.

I will spend day and night sleeping from 2 Am to waking up from 6 am to go to work, I didn't talk about my project to anyone because I was shy and get so stressed I win over 15 kilos in these 2 years of making it!

I think to give up over 1000 times but I always finally continue to do it and I'm really happy with my result even in beta!

That's a great achievement in my life for me and I'm really happy to make it so far, it was a dream for me!

Is it free?

Yes for you!

You can filter users by country for free but needs a subscription if you want to filter by prefecture, city, age, etc .. you can search language partners for free if you are not that precise!

Also, all are free for posts and different categories! all are free to see but only if you want to give gold to someone, you need to watch an ad ( like is free, gold needs an ad)

Thank you for reading everything and I hope you have a nice day!

To finish, I give everyone Lifetime access to the app , send a message to me” NARU totomo creator ” on the app for that I can make you lifetime VIP !

even though it is still in beta everyone will be granted lifetime VIP even for a future update!

You can ask me any question and I will be really happy to can respond to anyone 🙂 !

Have a nice day , cordially .

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