
Job advice.

I need some advice. I currently work as an office administrator. I have been in this role for about six months. I took this job in the hopes that one day I could have a promotion. I know I would have to work longer than six months for it. My job is to control The employee life cycle. When I started, there was an emphasis on keeping good employees and teaching them the tools they would need to succeed in a better role with the company. That obviously leads to employee retention. When I got into the role, I did what I was asked of and posted a career map in the office. The next day I was sitting in my office with the door shut, and my new coworkers, who are managers of different kinds, walked into the next room not knowing I was in there. They were saying…

I need some advice. I currently work as an office administrator. I have been in this role for about six months. I took this job in the hopes that one day I could have a promotion. I know I would have to work longer than six months for it. My job is to control The employee life cycle. When I started, there was an emphasis on keeping good employees and teaching them the tools they would need to succeed in a better role with the company. That obviously leads to employee retention.

When I got into the role, I did what I was asked of and posted a career map in the office. The next day I was sitting in my office with the door shut, and my new coworkers, who are managers of different kinds, walked into the next room not knowing I was in there. They were saying “Who does she think she is? “Jane” will be the next manager… not anyone else, Basically getting at the fact that I was wasting my time, and they already had their predecessors lined up. I also heard them saying she's got to go. They were referring to getting rid of me. I took this job in hopes that I could make a difference, that I could get practice and identifying and promoting high end candidates, and ultimately making a difference in peoples lives.

Turns out, I'm a glorified pencil pusher. When I see a Rule being broken, When I see bad behavior, I'm basically made to feel like I should shut my mouth.

I have done this. I come in, I do my office duties, and I leave. The job itself is really easy, but I will never move up. If there is a chance that I will, it will require major ass kissing on my behalf. I know this because I have seen so many young ladies apply for hire positions, and even when the manager is contemplating it, these ladies say no way! The person they want for the job is always who ends up in the job. The person who they want for the job is the person who kisses their ass. They've actually set themselves up very nicely. I don't know how they managed, But all of their friends are in high-level roles whether they deserve it or not. When I started, I also was given no training. I had to read to learn what I was supposed to do and I actually did a really good job. I hired 20 new staff members in my first month, and we finished number four in the company and sales.

That has to speak to something. Every time I made a mistake, even though it might be a tiny little error, they made a huge deal of it like I was a complete moron. Recently, one of their friends got a sales manager role, and her experience has been quite different from mine. She comes in every day anytime she needs help she gets it. If she makes a mistake, it's no big deal.

I finally applied for a new job. The new job pays more, although it's not a lot more. Roughly 6 to 800 $ a month more. The new job has been extremely supportive, promising me upward movement if I perform. They went as far as to say that I would have the job that I've been working for for years within 12 months, as long as I do my job. They have told me how excited they are to have me. Their exact words were you really impressed the head of the company. He was a great person to have impressed. He said he has never been this excited about a candidate. They also said he was true to his word.

I talk to my boss about this new job. He told me that he would really like me to stay, and he's not a bad guy, but he turns a blind eye to the bullshit that happens there in order to keep the peace. One of the girls that you don't like parked in a parking spot that belong to them. This employee showed me a text where she said I will make her life a living hell. Nothing was done about it.

So what is my dilemma? My dilemma is that despite the fact that my job is annoying, it pays really well. I also may not ever move up, but I am a single mother. I have found an easy office job with great pay that I will probably never lose. Even though the girls don't like me, my boss said he wants me to be there the next several years. That makes me feel secure and safe. I live in a small town with few jobs. To get a job with the amount of pay that I have received is pretty crazy and rare. The last job that I had that was this close in pay, I worked my ass off 24 seven and barely had any time at home.

Knowing that my kids are safe and I have a steady paycheck is calming to me. It is one of the most important things mother kid want.

This other job will be pretty difficult, I will be required to show sales results which I'm actually pretty good at. That said it is so nice to go in and do some administrative work and leave without having to worry about pushing sales or meeting goals to feed my family. Anyone who's ever worked in sales knows that it is stressful. The only thing stressful about my current job is that I have to kiss ass and keep my head down.

This new job, I will be in charge, I will be supported, and I will not allow gossip and a toxic environment. I will go back to setting people up for success. I have taken young people that made $7.25/hr that are now making $50-70k per year and taking care of their families. I felt a sense of purpose in that.

It’s the unknown here and my job security relying on sales again, and the stress that comes with that. I was so glad to just have a normal job. When my job did rely on sales, I thrived, but it was bc of high stress and maximum effort, and the fear that my family would lose everything if I didn’t perform. Anyway, there’s a job where I’m putting up with crap but I’m secure and it’s easy, or a seemingly great job that will be high stress. Idk what to do. I’m afraid I will look back and wonder why I didn’t just get over a couple of mean girls. What would you do? Who is to say that it won’t be awful or just as bad when I get there?

TL;DR easy job with toxic environment or high stress job with a good environment?

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