
Job applications are draining, looking for jobs is draining.

More of a general rant about my current job, why I'm leaving and just the process of trying to find a new job, especially given the time of year. I work in retail as a CTM, I don't mind the job at all, it's a breeze now I've been doing it for a year. It's the management that are driving me away, or the lack there-of. In the past week I've had 3 warnings from our line manager,, all over things that are out of my control. A customer complained to a CTM that I didn't ask for their member ship card (they had forgot to bring it) got a warning. Lost my house keys and couldn't leave the door unlocked to travel into work. Called in and told them that. People have been trying locks at night and I'm not risking it. Got a warning. On a shift last…

More of a general rant about my current job, why I'm leaving and just the process of trying to find a new job, especially given the time of year.

I work in retail as a CTM, I don't mind the job at all, it's a breeze now I've been doing it for a year. It's the management that are driving me away, or the lack there-of.

In the past week I've had 3 warnings from our line manager,, all over things that are out of my control.

  1. A customer complained to a CTM that I didn't ask for their member ship card (they had forgot to bring it) got a warning.

  2. Lost my house keys and couldn't leave the door unlocked to travel into work. Called in and told them that. People have been trying locks at night and I'm not risking it. Got a warning.

  3. On a shift last week a drunk came in, swung at all the wine, beer and general alcohol stock on the shelves, all came crashing down, glass everywhere. Guy on shift leaves me and new start stays on the til while I'm left to deal with the drunk basically assaulting me and trying to clean up the very large, dangerous mess they caused.

Customer comes in, sees what has happened, shouts in my face “this is a death trap why aren't you doing anything!?” So I say “there's a caution sign up and I'm trying my best to clean this up.” They say I'm back chatting and complain

Next thing I know, got another warning.

Also they've just cut my hours back. I was working 25/30 hours and they've cut me down to 12. I can't live off that and they know it. Taking a 12 hour contract was dumb on my part though, but I basically always had the overtime, until recently.

Also the whole management getting pissy at me for being late, I have to travel by bus and it's like a sheet of ice out there. Delays happen. (Worst of all I'm so understanding about how my lateness effects the colleagues and management when all they do is talk down at me and have no empathy towards me when things are out of my control.)

So, safe to say I need to find a new job. There just isn't any going in my area at the moment with it being so close to Christmas. I've just been on a job site and searched through 10 pages, there was only 2 jobs I could apply for, and some of them were 30 minutes away from me??? I searched my town only. Oh, and the amount of blatant pyramid schemes. It's so time consuming.

I can't travel because of how bad the bus service is, always delayed and unreliable. I don't want my next employer to have to deal with my tardiness because of public transport.

I'm just beyond emotional and stressed and it feels even worse since everyone is saying I'm a Scrooge and making Christmas shit. Great.

Thanks so much if you take some time to read this rant. Help and advice appreciated

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