
Job Cut My Hours

The new job I got cut my hours to part time after just 2 months because of some decision in upper management. Just 1 month before I could receive health insurance benefits. I wasn’t even told in person, just through some condescending email. I’m already looking at new jobs, I just wanted some advice on what else to do. It’s technically an at-will job and I’m tempted to just do a shitty job so that they can fire me and so that I can collect unemployment. Obviously I won’t be giving them my 2 weeks notice once I do find a new job. Also, never tell your bosses anything about your health. I can’t help but think that influenced their decision. So tired of putting my life on hold due to my health, it’s already been 9 years.

The new job I got cut my hours to part time after just 2 months because of some decision in upper management. Just 1 month before I could receive health insurance benefits. I wasn’t even told in person, just through some condescending email.

I’m already looking at new jobs, I just wanted some advice on what else to do. It’s technically an at-will job and I’m tempted to just do a shitty job so that they can fire me and so that I can collect unemployment. Obviously I won’t be giving them my 2 weeks notice once I do find a new job.

Also, never tell your bosses anything about your health. I can’t help but think that influenced their decision. So tired of putting my life on hold due to my health, it’s already been 9 years.

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