
Job doubling the workload

After quarterly evaluations (where they have a winner take most bonus system) they are increasing my department’s work load. Our department outperformed every other department but because the vice president in charge didn’t get a good evaluation we now have “expanded responsibilities”. Mind you “expanded pay” isn’t a thing. Our team is expected to do twice as much work with zero reward. As a matter of fact management is amazingly tone deaf to anything other than their plans. These plans call for department expansion, robust training, and double workloads. Needless to say they have done absolutely nothing to meet these goals save tell us and expect it to happen. Yay.

After quarterly evaluations (where they have a winner take most bonus system) they are increasing my department’s work load. Our department outperformed every other department but because the vice president in charge didn’t get a good evaluation we now have “expanded responsibilities”. Mind you “expanded pay” isn’t a thing. Our team is expected to do twice as much work with zero reward. As a matter of fact management is amazingly tone deaf to anything other than their plans. These plans call for department expansion, robust training, and double workloads. Needless to say they have done absolutely nothing to meet these goals save tell us and expect it to happen.


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