
Job fired me bc not able to work as much

(NC) I recently got injured while on the job, long story short my manager sucked. I’ve been dealing with workers comp and they put some pretty serious work restrictions, but I technically could still work with one hand lightly. They had me working “light duty” and it was difficult but I did it. I took a lot of time off each week because it was difficult, and I had to do physical therapy on the side frequently. They just fired me and the amount of hours I’m working being the reason. Is there anything I can do?

(NC) I recently got injured while on the job, long story short my manager sucked. I’ve been dealing with workers comp and they put some pretty serious work restrictions, but I technically could still work with one hand lightly. They had me working “light duty” and it was difficult but I did it. I took a lot of time off each week because it was difficult, and I had to do physical therapy on the side frequently. They just fired me and the amount of hours I’m working being the reason. Is there anything I can do?

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