
Job-hop always! Loyalty is never rewarded.

Just a post to say that after a while of searching, I've been offered a new job with a 33% pay increase, better flexibility and better conditions. My work (who are fucking cheapskate dickheads) are now raging with me. So delighted I'm gonna be out of here soon. The CEO of this place is truly evil; disrespects employees, won't hire enough staff and only cares about her massive paycheck. I heard CEO and COO in the canteen mocking the new Marketing employee (she wasn't present) who asked for a salary of €30K (not much at all) saying “does it cost 30K just send a few tweets”? Fuck that noise, CEO on 6 figures and does no work.

Just a post to say that after a while of searching, I've been offered a new job with a 33% pay increase, better flexibility and better conditions. My work (who are fucking cheapskate dickheads) are now raging with me. So delighted I'm gonna be out of here soon. The CEO of this place is truly evil; disrespects employees, won't hire enough staff and only cares about her massive paycheck. I heard CEO and COO in the canteen mocking the new Marketing employee (she wasn't present) who asked for a salary of €30K (not much at all) saying “does it cost 30K just send a few tweets”? Fuck that noise, CEO on 6 figures and does no work.

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