
job hunting 3+ weeks, finally get an interview and employer completely wasted my time. y’all please tell me I’m not being unreasonable

As the title says, I got laid off about 3.5 weeks ago, which is another bullshit story in and of itself. I've been sending application after application out into the void every day, and constantly job searching of course. Hadn't heard back from anyone save for a few rejection emails. Well I applied for a job late last week, granted it was a position I didn't have prior experience in but I have nothing to lose at the moment, and I've heard it's good to apply for jobs even if you don't fully match the qualifications. I have alot of other skills I can bring to the table and I'm an organized, hands-on learner. That's not the point though. Well, I heard back from the employer within a day. I got a message from a woman, we'll call her S, saying my application was viewed, and she asked me to…

As the title says, I got laid off about 3.5 weeks ago, which is another bullshit story in and of itself.

I've been sending application after application out into the void every day, and constantly job searching of course. Hadn't heard back from anyone save for a few rejection emails.

Well I applied for a job late last week, granted it was a position I didn't have prior experience in but I have nothing to lose at the moment, and I've heard it's good to apply for jobs even if you don't fully match the qualifications. I have alot of other skills I can bring to the table and I'm an organized, hands-on learner. That's not the point though.

Well, I heard back from the employer within a day. I got a message from a woman, we'll call her S, saying my application was viewed, and she asked me to come in the following Monday afternoon for an interview. This was encouraging, as I figured they reviewed my info and were willing to interview me for the position. Surely they felt I had potential.

So I go in for the interview, I told the front desk lady I had corresponded with a woman called S, (she signed her name in the message). So S comes in and calls me back for my interview, introduces herself, and asks me some general interview questions to start. It was going generally okay, albeit a little bit awkward and I did stumble a bit with a few questions. So I was already a bit flustered.

Then she asked about my work experience as it related to the position I applied for. I was honest with her, because obviously she's already seen my past work experience, and told her I had no prior experience in this specific position but that I'm well organized and a quick learner looking to try new positions and advance my skill set in other areas.

I had barely finished my sentence before she said, “so this position requires prior experience. So I can tell you right now they're not going to hire you with no prior experience. What made you decide to apply for this position?”

I was super flustered at this point, she's basically told me I'm definitely not going to get the job so I'm thinking why am I even here, and why did you ASK me to come in? I just told her I saw the job posting on Indeed and it seemed like something I could learn how to do. She then continued asking random questions even though she's basically shut me down already. She even asked what kind of pay I was looking for! You've already told me I'm not getting the job.

Y'all please tell me I'm not being unreasonable for being super shocked and discouraged by this. The same woman that interviewed me was the one that asked me to come in in the first place, so I was assuming they saw some potential for me in this position. If I was never going to be seriously considered I don't understand why I was asked to come in for an interview and given false hope, and then shut down in an already high-nerves situation. The whole interview lasted all of 8 minutes probably too. The whole thing seemed very unprofessional and it's a big blow to my spirits right now.

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