
Job Hunting is basically begging wealthy people in power to give you money to put food on the table

Hundreds upon hundreds of candidates all applying for the same jobs. The people that decide who gets them have all the power. They can pick whoever they want, and often times superficial reasons (race, religion, sexuality) will be the deciding factor. Often times they will also be biased and pick someone they're already connected with. These people are basically playing eeny meeny miny mo and picking which one of us is allowed to even fucking live, because of course you cant fucking live without money. And then finally, the person that wins the job hunting lottery can finally afford to live comfortably. Meanwhile the hundreds (or possibly thousands) of other people that weren't picked are still broke. This reminds me of a scene in the movie Ip Man, where hundreds of starving people where begging a wealthy man to let them work a job, otherwise they'd starve to death. Guess…

Hundreds upon hundreds of candidates all applying for the same jobs. The people that decide who gets them have all the power. They can pick whoever they want, and often times superficial reasons (race, religion, sexuality) will be the deciding factor. Often times they will also be biased and pick someone they're already connected with. These people are basically playing eeny meeny miny mo and picking which one of us is allowed to even fucking live, because of course you cant fucking live without money.

And then finally, the person that wins the job hunting lottery can finally afford to live comfortably. Meanwhile the hundreds (or possibly thousands) of other people that weren't picked are still broke. This reminds me of a scene in the movie Ip Man, where hundreds of starving people where begging a wealthy man to let them work a job, otherwise they'd starve to death. Guess who was picked for the job? The main character, who is well known and has connections. That's basically how it is in today's world. The only difference is that it's virtual now, so it's not as apparent how fucked up it is.

It's already bad enough that we have to slave off for 40+ years, but just getting to the wage slave status is also a huge problem. Even if you get a job, chances are it's not going to pay you a living wage. All of this work for a soul sucking job. You have to kiss ass and pretend to like people. You have to listen to shitty people and let them boss you around. You have to put up a fake personality. And as I've already said, you basically have to beg wealthy people to even have this soul sucking experience to begin with. Don't like it? Then according to society, you deserve to be homeless on the streets starving.

thanks mom and dad, for bringing me into a place like this. your both such awesome people!

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