
Job I once loved is adding tasks

I work a low level job as a tech at a drug rehab. The main task of my job is to complete medical rounds in our database. I enter the location of all the patients and generally help navigate them around the facility. Recently other departments have been cutting back and the higher ups seem to think it is fine to assign more tasks. We have 3 different units in the building and we are lucky if we have 1 tech per floor to monitor 25-30 people. Now we need to clean bedrooms, prep and cook food on the weekends, and apparently create our own curriculum to teach community groups as well. My job use to be relatively easy and simple. Today they presented this packet to me and told me to look over it to start running this weekend programming. Overall my direct boss has been pretty chill. It…

I work a low level job as a tech at a drug rehab. The main task of my job is to complete medical rounds in our database. I enter the location of all the patients and generally help navigate them around the facility.

Recently other departments have been cutting back and the higher ups seem to think it is fine to assign more tasks. We have 3 different units in the building and we are lucky if we have 1 tech per floor to monitor 25-30 people. Now we need to clean bedrooms, prep and cook food on the weekends, and apparently create our own curriculum to teach community groups as well.

My job use to be relatively easy and simple. Today they presented this packet to me and told me to look over it to start running this weekend programming.

Overall my direct boss has been pretty chill. It is mostly her boss and the other departments (clinical and facility maintenance) that are saying we have all these new responsibilities.

Unsurprisingly quite a few people have left my job. Maybe I should follow suit. I only make $16 an hour. Part of me wants to have an actual conversation and explain why this isn’t logical to carry out these tasks. The other part says fuck it just do what you can. Generally people don’t get disciplined or written up at my job. Only issue is patient/ employee relations.

I’m generally well respected at my job but as of lately I can see their lack of care or concern. Do the best I can and not stress? Get another job and quit (kind of live in a rural area)? Or let whatever happens happens and collect that unemployment if and when they fire us?

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