
Job is Being Suddenly Antagonistic

So, I work for a food service job and basically they were really nice at first but recently got really passive-aggressive. So, I was scheduled for 4 days outta the week, and I told them I couldn't do one day. Now, I tried to pick another day, and I even called out ahead, and even offered my shift up around to the other employees. I want to emphasize I didn't just inflexibly call out the day before. The managers even told me this would be okay. Spoiler Alert: it was not okay. I imagine I'm going to be let go, and honestly it's just pathetic and I'm tired. I ain't resentful, but I ain't got no filter either. These people are fucking losers. Why are so many places these days just out to hurt us?

So, I work for a food service job and basically they were really nice at first but recently got really passive-aggressive.
So, I was scheduled for 4 days outta the week, and I told them I couldn't do one day. Now, I tried to pick another day, and I even called out ahead, and even offered my shift up around to the other employees. I want to emphasize I didn't just inflexibly call out the day before.
The managers even told me this would be okay.
Spoiler Alert: it was not okay.
I imagine I'm going to be let go, and honestly it's just pathetic and I'm tired. I ain't resentful, but I ain't got no filter either. These people are fucking losers. Why are so many places these days just out to hurt us?

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