
Job market is a major problem

The influence of market, of offer and demand on career paths is disgusting. A job, a profession, should be, first and foremost, an exercise of our innermost passions in such a way that we can contribute to our own personal growth and to society growth. The fact that i even have to consider the revenue and the demand of certain jobs hinders the basic concept of freedom to express ourselves. It is unconceivable that i can't be a musician, a paleonthologist or a literate just because there are not many open positions and these careers are often really heavy compared to the revenue they provide (as well as the cost of the path to begin with in countries like USA). Basically we are not free to pursue the career of our dreams if it doesn't fall under the high requested ones. If we still choose to pursue such a path…

The influence of market, of offer and demand on career paths is disgusting.

A job, a profession, should be, first and foremost, an exercise of our innermost passions in such a way that we can contribute to our own personal growth and to society growth.
The fact that i even have to consider the revenue and the demand of certain jobs hinders the basic concept of freedom to express ourselves.

It is unconceivable that i can't be a musician, a paleonthologist or a literate just because there are not many open positions and these careers are often really heavy compared to the revenue they provide (as well as the cost of the path to begin with in countries like USA).

Basically we are not free to pursue the career of our dreams if it doesn't fall under the high requested ones.

If we still choose to pursue such a path we are choosing a life of suffering and mediocrity and this is not fulfilling for humans. (Of course there should be other limits to your profession, people unable to face risks can't be firefighters or, even better, we can't have unprofessionale or “bad” doctors, yet we shouldn't stop the access to these careers).

I could go on and on, but i'm sure you reading will have stuff to add.

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