
Job offer, how do you make a decision? From East coast to Alaska…

Really struggling with this decision so I thought I’d put it out there for some outside perspectives. We currently live in the east coast and I’m fortunate to work for a start up company that’s a novelty in the industry, I’ve been with them 5-6 years and we’ve just built a multimillion dollar facility, we’re a really small team so we’re all in leadership roles. I’m an office manager on top of other things. The great things about the company is that I have a lot of flexibility and autonomy, with very little oversight. I make my hours as I need, I have the capacity to work from home as needed, and my only supervisor is the owner of the company. This is great since I have a young kid at home and a husband that’s often away for work. It’s also close to my in-laws. There are a lot…

Really struggling with this decision so I thought I’d put it out there for some outside perspectives. We currently live in the east coast and I’m fortunate to work for a start up company that’s a novelty in the industry, I’ve been with them 5-6 years and we’ve just built a multimillion dollar facility, we’re a really small team so we’re all in leadership roles. I’m an office manager on top of other things. The great things about the company is that I have a lot of flexibility and autonomy, with very little oversight. I make my hours as I need, I have the capacity to work from home as needed, and my only supervisor is the owner of the company. This is great since I have a young kid at home and a husband that’s often away for work. It’s also close to my in-laws. There are a lot of drawbacks as well, the company culture can be toxic at times, especially with new hires coming in at higher salaries from the outset than those that have been there since the start and worked hard : made sacrifices for the company, which leads to resentments. We are still extremely cash strapped, so everyone feels underpaid at times or like they don’t have the resources they need. I also can’t stand the head of sales, he joined us last year and we have never gotten on, I find him extremely rude, abrasive, and lacking in common tact. Unfortunately our two roles intersect a lot and he’s fully remote so we never see him. It’s been a constant source of strain / irritation for me – he’s made massive mistakes that I forwarned the owner about but I’m always brushed off that I’m over reacting or causing tension, just a few weeks ago he made a mistake that cost us 2000$. In reality the owner had a limited bandwidth and wants us to sort it out our issues internally. I’ve been trying my best to be cordial, but just last week he ordered me to do a time consuming task that is not my responsibility, when I tried to call him, he hung up on me then sent me a rude email privately where he explicitly told me it was a waste of his time and resources to do it so I should just do it. Historically this task would be done as a team since it involves pulling information from multiple departments. Thankfully the owner saw his initial email dumping it on me and told him it’s his responsibility and that he needs to learn. They’re unaware of the rude email I got. He never apologized to me, he instead sent out an email to all team leads demanding they attend a two hour meeting on a Friday with two day notice and to bring all the documentation he required. It caused issues, I had two team members come to me upset or irate over the demand and confused by the documentation he was requesting. The thing is if he had asked me nicely and wanted to approach it in a collaborative manner, I would have been willing to help. That’s just the most recent example, as you can tell I’m not a fan but I’m also a biased narrator.

I’ve been offered a similar job in a small town in Alaska, where my husband and I first met and where all our friends are. It’s like kismet. It comes with a 23k pay raise and a small stipend for relocation costs. I’m nervous to accept the offer because I’m walking away from a job I know in a company that’s slated to make millions in the coming years (but it could crash and burn too). There’s also very little housing available. My biggest fear is lack of familial support and transitioning to job with long hours compared to my flexible schedule now. During the summer I’ll be expected to work 8-10hrs a day 5-7 days a week, with it being quieter in the winter. I’m scared how I’ll manage the summer workload with a small child…

I’m struggling with FOMO, about not taking the opportunity to move to the town we’ve always wanted to live in and then about giving up on a job just as the company is starting to gain traction. It doesn’t help that my MIL says she’ll die if we leave….

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