I was laid off in March. I saw it coming as I have been there for years and know the signs. I started interviewing the week I was laid off with another company. The process took about a month and I got an offer end of April. I was thrilled and we pushed my start date till end of May as that’s when my projects came in. Seriously all I saw during the process were green flags. I thought this company really valued me. Two days before I was start I receive a call from no one I talked to during the recruiting process: the head of people. Saying they had to rescind the offer as my projects fell through. I tried to be professional but I broke down on the phone. I had bought new suits and literally was going to fly on a plane in two days to meet everyone at their company retreat for a week.
I spent a month not searching because I thought I was safe. Now I’m almost 3 months out with nothing to show for it starting over.
I’m having so much trouble getting the energy up to do this. I’m not getting responses and I’m trying to pull on my network as much as possible but I’m feeling hopeless. I have applied to over 30 jobs already and I am not hearing anything. I can’t even get attention of recruiters.
These companies literally have people’s lives in their hands and they couldn’t care less.