
Job requiring us to read “one minute manager” by Spencer Johnson

It’s mandatory for management to read this before our management meeting. Getting into it, it’s pretty vague, but the more I read it feels like it’s essentially advising to drop more responsibility/jobs on the staff due to staff shortages while going about it very nicely so that they won’t quit, and so that management has less responsibilities? I don’t know how I feel about this book or the fact that it’s “mandatory” that we read it. I work in resorts/hotels… so I’m used to the powers that be trying to make their staff drink the koolaid, but this is ridiculous. I just started this job too, caught multiple red flags on my second day, the book being one and the fact that the staff receives no percentage of the service charge being another. I hate hospitality so fucking much, and I truly just hope it crumbles.

It’s mandatory for management to read this before our management meeting. Getting into it, it’s pretty vague, but the more I read it feels like it’s essentially advising to drop more responsibility/jobs on the staff due to staff shortages while going about it very nicely so that they won’t quit, and so that management has less responsibilities? I don’t know how I feel about this book or the fact that it’s “mandatory” that we read it. I work in resorts/hotels… so I’m used to the powers that be trying to make their staff drink the koolaid, but this is ridiculous. I just started this job too, caught multiple red flags on my second day, the book being one and the fact that the staff receives no percentage of the service charge being another. I hate hospitality so fucking much, and I truly just hope it crumbles.

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