
Job rescinded on first day due to CBC. is this legal?

Ok so I have this friend, let's call him Chuck. A little background: Chuck was a smart kid, a track star, a boy scout, a black belt in Katate, a member of the robotics club, a science geek and was from a good family. For some reason the streets called to him. He ran with the wrong crowd after high school, flunked out of college, started selling drugs and probably doing other illegal things. He got arrested at 19 got sentenced, and spent 2 years at bootcamp. Got his act together in there, found God, read a lot, studied, got some certifications and graduated from boot camp. Chuck is 26 now, and he's been having a hard time finding and keeping a job since getting the criminal record. Recently he passed a 2 phase interview from a company that supposedly practices fair chance hiring. They give him a start date.…

Ok so I have this friend, let's call him Chuck. A little background: Chuck was a smart kid, a track star, a boy scout, a black belt in Katate, a member of the robotics club, a science geek and was from a good family. For some reason the streets called to him. He ran with the wrong crowd after high school, flunked out of college, started selling drugs and probably doing other illegal things. He got arrested at 19 got sentenced, and spent 2 years at bootcamp. Got his act together in there, found God, read a lot, studied, got some certifications and graduated from boot camp.

Chuck is 26 now, and he's been having a hard time finding and keeping a job since getting the criminal record. Recently he passed a 2 phase interview from a company that supposedly practices fair chance hiring. They give him a start date. This is a customer-facing sales role, so he spent money on a few nice suits to wear to work. He seemed so happy and excited to be getting this second chance. The job is not close to where he lives, so he had to wake up early, and use a bit of gas to get there. When he arrives, they said that they will be rescinded his job offer due to his criminal record, which they were aware of prior to offering him the job.

Is there anything he can do about this? Shouldn't they run the CBC before hiring someone? And why would they have him jump through crazy hoops during the interview process, drive a ling way from home to get there just to fire him? They could have done that a week ago without wasting his time. Is this legal? Should they at least reimburse the gas??

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