
Job responsibilities changing via email

I’ve been in my current position (fully remote) since I was hired by my current company (also fully remote) 2 years ago. The job responsibilities were very clear when I was hired and have been the same the entire time I’ve been working. My team had our old AMAZING boss replaced at the beginning of this year (I think to get someone else in that would be a lower salary). The new boss sent an email to the team on Friday saying that we are getting our job responsibilities changed over the next few weeks without giving us any say in the matter. They are nearly doubling our current workload for each one of us. My boss said they will be covering the details more in depth in our team meeting next week, but I have a feeling this doesn’t come with a pay increase whatsoever. I’m very frustrated because…

I’ve been in my current position (fully remote) since I was hired by my current company (also fully remote) 2 years ago. The job responsibilities were very clear when I was hired and have been the same the entire time I’ve been working. My team had our old AMAZING boss replaced at the beginning of this year (I think to get someone else in that would be a lower salary). The new boss sent an email to the team on Friday saying that we are getting our job responsibilities changed over the next few weeks without giving us any say in the matter. They are nearly doubling our current workload for each one of us. My boss said they will be covering the details more in depth in our team meeting next week, but I have a feeling this doesn’t come with a pay increase whatsoever. I’m very frustrated because I took this job for the responsibilities I had when I started, not for all of these new ones and I don’t enjoy the now work I will have to be doing. I know this kind of thing is probably not illegal in the US, but it seems so immoral and wrong. I’m so disappointed it went from a job I adored with a team I loved to a job I dread with my team slowly dwindling. The sucky part is I can’t even look for a new job right now because I’m stuck with a clawback clause on my sign on bonus I received and I definitely don’t have the money to pay it back.

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