
job search rant

Just here to quickly vent. I graduated with a master's degree from a pretty prestigious university about 3 months ago, currently having a hard time with the job search process. I'm looking in multiple countries. I've only applied to 35 jobs so far, which I know is extremely low; I'm so demotivated and depressive that it takes me days to formulate a single cover letter (the fact that I've had covid twice in the last 2 months probably has something to do with this). I feel like I just wasn't prepared for how dehumanizing/demoralizing it would feel to get rejections/ghosted/ignored. I've moved back in with my parents, who are lovely, but I just feel like I'm too old to be depending on them. My self-esteem is at an all-time-low and I just feel like a drain on society. I know I need to be applying to at least 5 jobs…

Just here to quickly vent. I graduated with a master's degree from a pretty prestigious university about 3 months ago, currently having a hard time with the job search process. I'm looking in multiple countries. I've only applied to 35 jobs so far, which I know is extremely low; I'm so demotivated and depressive that it takes me days to formulate a single cover letter (the fact that I've had covid twice in the last 2 months probably has something to do with this). I feel like I just wasn't prepared for how dehumanizing/demoralizing it would feel to get rejections/ghosted/ignored. I've moved back in with my parents, who are lovely, but I just feel like I'm too old to be depending on them. My self-esteem is at an all-time-low and I just feel like a drain on society. I know I need to be applying to at least 5 jobs a day and I just can't get myself to do it.

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