
Job Searching & Ran Into This Red Flag, WTF

I have been job searching for about 2 months and it's serious tough out there right now for my industry. And then I ran into this gem today while reviewing job descriptions on that career social media site everyone knows (not sure if I can name it here). I know that it's a startup company, but to me this is a huge red flag that the hiring manager is a narcissist who is looking for a punching bag. Wtf is wrong with these people?

I have been job searching for about 2 months and it's serious tough out there right now for my industry.

And then I ran into this gem today while reviewing job descriptions on that career social media site everyone knows (not sure if I can name it here).

I know that it's a startup company, but to me this is a huge red flag that the hiring manager is a narcissist who is looking for a punching bag. Wtf is wrong with these people?

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