
Job upgrade?? A win is a win ig

I got my first job in October of 2022. I started off 5-7 hours 5 days a week. She was urgently hiring at the time. shit started happening and it resulted in slowly cutting my hours. Then she made me work every other day bc apparently there were not enough hours?? This also “randomly” started happening during a time where someone was taking money from the reg and we'd constantly be short. Then she would randomly call me off so I'd only work 2 days. Called me off the day of our Christmas party and said I could do the secret Santa on Wednesday. Called me off that Wednesday. Texted me on Thursday and said I'll text you when I have hours. That was the middle of December. No contact from her at all. I just recently texted her “What happened??” No response so far. So fucking unprofessional of her.…

I got my first job in October of 2022.

I started off 5-7 hours 5 days a week. She was urgently hiring at the time. shit started happening and it resulted in slowly cutting my hours. Then she made me work every other day bc apparently there were not enough hours?? This also “randomly” started happening during a time where someone was taking money from the reg and we'd constantly be short. Then she would randomly call me off so I'd only work 2 days. Called me off the day of our Christmas party and said I could do the secret Santa on Wednesday. Called me off that Wednesday. Texted me on Thursday and said I'll text you when I have hours. That was the middle of December. No contact from her at all. I just recently texted her “What happened??” No response so far. So fucking unprofessional of her. She's the owner of the store too.

Anyways. A manager from another place within the shopping center district thibg would come and get lunch from us. She seen my customer service skills. I would go get lunch from her. I ranted to her about my hours. She gave me an application and said I'll get you in at 16.25. I was making 15 there. Nice.

It's a FUCK TON more responsibility but it feels nice feeling a lil important. Tiring, draining, but it's cool knowing someone actually wanted me there, not necessarily needed me. (Even though they did need an opener n that's what I'm there for, but I wanted to open anyway so)

Working still sucks tho

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